On Wednesday, 22 January 2020, Nursery – Preschool children had minitrip. They visited Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta which is located in Jl. Janti, Wonocatur, Banguntapan, Bantul. Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta is a big library.
The children had time to explore the library. Arrived in Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta, they gathered in transit room to keep their bag and prepare therselves. After being ready, the guide asked them to visit some rooms and do the activities.
First, they watched movie together in the theater. After that, the teachers divided them into two groups to visit some rooms. Each rooms has different activities.
In the music rooms, the children were introduced to some musical instrument, such as keyboard, angklung, rebana, violin and so on. The guide also offered them to try other musical instrument. After that, they moved to the library, they listened to the story, which was told by the guide.
The story was about the rabbit who got toothache. After listening to the story, they can read book on the room. The last room that visited by the children is playground. In this room, they can climb, slide, play with some toys and dolls and read some books, which are provided in this room.
The activities closed by having snack time together and prayed. They were enjoy their visit in Grhatama Pustaka Yogyakarta.