It is our first Minitrip in 2020, yeayy!!
On Monday, 20 January 2020, Upper Class students had a good opportunity to visit Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta in Jl. Gedongkuning no.174, Rejowinangun. We were so lucky since all off the staffs even the leader warmly welcome us and guide us along this minitrip.
There were so many exciting activities that we can do in Balai Arkeologi. At first, we were gathered in Ruang Pertemuan Sarjono and had opening ceremony. There were speech from the leader of Balai Arkeologi and from Kalyca. That time also we were told about our schedule and routes and the guides for each group.
There were 6 spots we visited that day:
- Civilization Room (Ruang Peradaban)
There we watched about the video documentation of archaeological activities in some sites.
- Mapping and Drawing Room (Ruang Pemetaan dan Penggambaran)
In this room, we saw how they draw the map and the location of the sites they find, by using special drawing table and some special measuring tools. - Laboratory and Findings Room (Laboratorium dan Penanganan Temuan)
In the laboratory, we learned how to identify whether an artefact is original or not. We also learned how to use microscope and some other tools that they use to research the artefacts they found in the field.
- Library
Of course, we could read so many books related to archaeology.
- Diving Room (Ruang Selam)
Here we learned about the diving tools especially with so many equipment needed to do archaeological activities under the water. We also watched their documenter video. So exciting!
- Excavation Simulation and Artefact Reconstruction Room (Simulasi Ekskavasi dan Rekonstruksi Artefak)
This was quite exciting! We learned how to do simple excavation and artefact reconstruction. Quite challenging. It was like arranging puzzles but quite difficult, since sometimes we just did not have any idea about the shape of the pieces we found.
At last for the closing, the leader of Balai Arkeologi gave us some quiz related to our activities that day. Moreover, for those who can answer the quiz, they got souvenirs! By the end of our visit there, of course we took picture together. It was a really unforgettable experience for us all.
That’s all our exciting experience along our 2,5 hours minitrip to Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta. May next two months, we can explore another exciting place for us to learn about the other thing. See you!