As an annual program from the school, on Friday, March 10, 2019, all the elementary unit students had a one day outdoor games and field trip at Ketep Pass, Magelang. Since the location for our field trip was out of town, we need to gather early so we could arrive there on time. All 84 students from year 1 up to year 6 and 16 teachers and staffs gathered at the school yard at around 6.20 A.M. After quick briefing and a prayer by Ms. Gayuh as the headmaster, we departed together by 2 buses. The journey was smooth and we ate snacks provided by teachers. Approximately 2 hours later we arrived at Ketep Pass.
The weather was quite sunny although we couldn’t see the tops of Merapi and Merbabu. The air was cool but clear, and there was not full of tourist because it was during the Moslem fast month. We were greeted by the Eager Team, the facilitator that helped us that day. After a quick break, soon we were divided into two big groups, Lower group (year 1-3) and Upper group (year 4-6). Then we moved to different areas, still at Ketep Pass. After that we started the fun outdoor games, led by the Eager Team. We played some fun games that help us to improve our teamwork and communication among friends. Lower and Upper groups had different kinds of games, based on the level challenge. Then after games activity ended we gathered at the small bungalows there to have lunch together.
After lunch and some rest, we went back to the buses and moved to another location near Ketep Pass. We went to Inggit Strawberry, a small local farm to harvest strawberries and guavas. Each small groups of students got some baskets and scissors to cut the strawberries. We were told that we had to check the fruits first before we cut them. After that we brought the strawberries and the guavas to the cashier and they wrapped the fruits for us to be brought home.
Then it was time for us to go home. We said thank to the Eager Team for helping us during the whole activity. After that we went back to school and we arrived at 4 P.M. Thank you for the memories! ☺