On August 16, 2018, all preshool teachers and all preschool children were celebrating the Indonesian Independance Day. It’s an annual program at Kalyca Montessori School. In this event, we celebrated the Indonesian independance day by having a flag ceremony that brought all of the preschool children and teachers to take a part.
The ceremony was started at 8 a.m. It was led by Ms. Nina as the principal of the Preschool unit. The ceremony was delivered in bahasa Indonesia. In her speech, she explained that we must to respect to our heros that fight against colonialist. Besides, we as the next generation, also should take care of our beloved country, Indonesia. Next, in the ceremony, all participants gave the respect to the Indonesian flag, Sang Merah Putih and sang the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya. All participants followed it very well.
After finishing the flag ceremony, we continued by having fun with some games. There were four main posts in the whole events. They were Pos Garuda, Pos Merah Putih, Pos Bola-Bola, and Pos Gotong Royong. Technically, all of the children were divided into four big groups based on their class. There were Grateful Class, Fair Class, Joyful Class, and Cheerful Class. Each of group came into the post and then played the games.
In the Pos Garuda, the children in a group must arrange 3 puzzles. The first puzzle was the picture of the Indonesian Flag, Sang Merah Putih. The second puzzle was the picture of Garuda. The third picture was the picture of Mr. Soekarno as the first president of Indonesia. After finishing arranging all of the puzzle, the children were invited to sing some national songs together such as Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke, Halo-Halo Bandung, Maju Tak Gentar, Hari Merdeka, Garuda Pancasila, and many more.
In the Pos Merah Putih, the children in a group delivered an Indonesian flag. In this case, the children were divided into some lines. The children in the first line held an Indonesian flag. They delivered the flag to their friend in the next line by running until the last children reached the finished line.
In the Pos Bola-Bola, the children delivered balls in the pail. In this case, the children were divided into some lines like in the Pos Merah Putih. The children in the first line took a ball inside the pail. Then, he delivered the ball to their friend next to him until the last children reached the finished line.
Last, in the Pos Gotong Royong, the children in a group moved a ball inside the glass. In this case, there were some glasses in a line. All of the glasses were filled with water. The ball was put on the water inside the first glass. The children moved the ball by blewing the ball so the ball moved to the next glass. A children had an opportunity to blow it. The children in a group must move the ball until the ball reach the last glass in the line.
All of the participants enjoyed the whole activities in the event. In the end of the event, we were gathered together in the hall to have snack together. The snacks that were provided were traditional snack such as jadah tempe, gethuk, and tahu isi. We closed the event by praying together.