PG-KG Christmas Event

The Christmas for Kalyca’s PG-KG was held on 13th of January 2017 in Putri Putri Yesus Kristus (PPYK) Dormitory. The place is located in Kregan, Pakemgedhe, Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman. The aim of this event was sharing the joyful of Christmas.

The theme for this Christmas was “For on this day, in the town of David, a Savior has come to birth, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2 : 11 )”. The children, teachers and dormitory’s caretakers (nuns) were having worship together. They were singing, dancing and listening a story about Jesus.

The story was told by Pdt. Rena Sesaria Yudhita. She made collaboration with some Kalyca’s teachers to show a short drama to the children. The drama was about why Jesus comes to the world.

In the end of the event, the school gave donation, which were gathered from the parents, to the dormitory.

Hopefully, the joy of this Christmas always be with us.