On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the children of KB-TK Kalyca Montessori School went on a mini trip to the Yogyakarta Fire Station which is located in Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta. We began the activities at 8 a.m. with Mr. Cahyana, a firefighter, explaining the role of a firefighter and the causes of fires. The children learned that a firefighter’s job involves more than just extinguishing fires. They also assist with tasks such as rescuing cats from trees or roofs, removing beehives, responding to car crashes, handling chemical spills, managing floods, and conducting water rescues.
Mr. Cahyana also led the children on a tour of the fire truck. The children had the opportunity to wear firefighter costumes and were allowed to take pictures. The teacher helped organize the children so they could take pictures in an orderly manner with the fire truck. After everyone had finished taking pictures, Mr. Cahyana invited the children to watch a simulation of how to extinguish a fire using a fire extinguisher in the yard. For this, Mr. Cahyana enlisted Miss Karin as his partner for the demonstration. Before starting, Mr. Cahyana reminded the children to cover their noses when the fire extinguisher was used, as it could cause a sore throat.
The highlight of the trip was playing with water. After the simulation, some of the firefighters invited the children and teachers to practice extinguishing a fire using a fire hose. The firefighters divided the group into two teams: one team positioned to the west and the other to the east. A barrel filled with gasoline was placed in the middle of the yard. The children and teachers were instructed to hold the hose tightly. When Mr. Cahyana ignited the barrel, they started to extinguish the fire using the hose until it was out. Afterwards, they had fun spraying each other with water from the hose, which was the most enjoyable part of the activity for the children.
At the end of the visit, the children changed their clothes and took a bath at the fire station, having brought their toiletries with them. After bathing, they enjoyed a snack while waiting for their parents to pick them up.