Monthly Archives: January 2019

Preschool Minitrip: Kurnia Lurik

Do you know what is lurik? Lurik is derived from the Javanese word lorek, which means stripes, and the charm of lurik cloth comes from the colorful stripes of the strands of yarn woven into it. Kalyca Montessori School held, on Tuesday, 22 January 

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Preschool Christmas Celebration 2018

“Receive and Share The Light” be the theme of Preschool Christmas Celebration. The event was held on January 11th, 2019 at Pusat Rehabilitasi Yakkum. The preschool students and 15 Cerebral Palsy students were have fun singing, dancing, and listening to 

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Christmas Celebration Report Kalyca Elementary Students “My Presents to Jesus”

Talking about christmas always brings us to joy and happiness. Last Wednesday, January 23rd, 2019, all of Kalyca Elementary students were celebrating christmas. What a joy and happy day! First, we had a sermon by Mr. Sundoyo. The theme was 

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