Early Childhood

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preschool 1

Is a 1,5-3 years old child program that helps toddler to maximize their exploration experience with purposeful activities and materials. This program stimulates their senses, motor skills, and language skill according to development stages.

Nursery’s benefits :

  1. Child’s need of exploration is facilitated by learning environment
  2. Child’s sense is stimulated and developed by all integrated activities
  3. Child’s independence is being developed at their own level
  4. Child’s motor skills are developed by indoor outdoor activities and gym
  5. Child’s sensitivity of language is improved by daily conversations and learning environment

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Is a 3-6 years old child program that helps children to grow and develop according to their personality, interest, and development stages. With child-centered and hand-on learning curriculum, children can find the answers of their curiosity, experience, and learn new things by materials and environment.

3-6’s benefits :

  1. Child grows and develops according to their own personality, interest, and indeed development stages
  2. Child learns to be a part of community by supportive environment and interaction with their friends and adults
  3. Child’s concentration and focus are being improved by learning environment and material
  4. Child’s creativity and curiosity are facilitated by hands-on learning, concrete rather than abstract learning
  5. Child’s independence and confidence are developed by child-center learning which is facilitated by teachers
  6. Child’s self-discipline is developed naturally


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daycare 1

is a 1,5-6 years old child program that helps children to be more independent and confident in taking care of themselves, and also to build their routine by the scheduled activities. This program offers children to explore outdoor environment and activity, also experience new things.

Daycare’s benefits :

  1. Child applies everything she/he learns at school in daycare time
  2. Child’s independence and confidence are more developed by doing practical life activity
  3. Child’s routine is developed by scheduled activity (lunch, activity, play, and nap time)
  4. Child learns to eat various healthy foods
  5. Child’s behavior and habits are developed by interaction with his friends and adults

